Sunday, 19 May 2013

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge - Letter K

Evening all,

ha ha ha I was in a 'nothing serious' mood today when I tackled this one!!

My entry for the current letter over at the Craft Barn's fab alpha challenge is KRAKEN, tee hee still managing to stick to my mythological theme!!

If you fancy having a go too please pop on over HERE for details on how to play and if you fancy a peek at all the K entries so far please pop on over HERE.

Here you go.....

Materials used - Black fine-liner (0.5), pentel hybrid white gel pen, sakura glaze pen (green), promarkers, paperartsy fresco paint (lime zest?), boat image from google images, white pigment ink, bubble border rubber stamp from Lost Coast Designs.

Many thanks for popping by and leaving a comment if you feel you would like to, your time and thoughts mean a lot.

Huge huggles

Dawn x 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Journal play........

Hi all,

hope everyone one is well?

I thought I would share some of my play pages from my 'experiment' journal, most are just backgrounds and ideas, hmm more like 'works in progress'.  You may recognise one of them as she was the inspiration/starting point for my 'A' page for The Craft Barns fab Alpha Challenge!!

I tend to use this journal for mopping up left-over paint from other things before I 'fiddle' with them a little more to make backgrounds that are all ready to journal on when the mood takes me.

Here you go........

Stamps, stencils and various items from my stash were used throughout!!

Lol, I think my favourite has to be the 2nd from the bottom - ha ha ha, I nearly lost my fingers cutting a chevron stencil from acetate using a craft knife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which one(s) do you like the most??

Many thanks for popping by and leaving a comment if you feel you would like to.

Huge huggles

Dawn x

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Craft Barn Alpha Challenge - Letter A

Evening all,

I hope everyone is enjoying the much needed sunshine? Glorious or what!!

Here is my entry for the fab Alpha Challenge over at The Craft Barn, if you fancy having a go please pop on over HERE for all the details, and please pop on over HERE for a peek at all the A entries so far.

I got my 'big girl knickers' on again and drew this one!!  The only A in my dictionary that fit my theme (Mythology) and inspired me was AMAZON - nothing like a strong woman hey!!

I'll fess up!! I totally chickened out of doing a full body picture!! I stuck with a portrait style (comfort zone ish lol) with lots of leonine inspired hair.  Here you go........

I started by sketching her with a mechanical pencil (only way I have found to maintain a decent soft point to work with!) and outlined her with a permanent marker.  I coloured her with pro-markers and finished off with a gold gel pen - seemples. 

Many thanks for popping by and leaving a comment if you feel you would like to, your time and input really does mean a lot to me.

Huge hugs 

Dawn x